Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Upoznajte  Archibald-a!
Archibald je arhitekta koji zajedno sa svojim prijateljem inžinjerom  Gerald-om vodi arhitektonski biro. U istoj firmi zaposleni su i dizajnerka INA, JOHN IT-menadžer, MR. SHAN-3D modelar... Kao i u svakom biro, oni sarađuju i sa izvođačima, investitorima,njihovim ženama...i drugim saradnicima (Bogom, npr), što njihov život čini vrlo zanimljivim.

Muče ih uobičajeni problemi sa investitorima, koji muče i sve nas; oni imaju sliču dozu sujete kao i svi mi arhitekti, i još mnogo toga.  To Mike Hermans u stripu prikazuju tako pažljivo odabranim  i duhovitim detaljima. Najviše me zasmeje kad prepoznam svoje probleme, ili svoju okolinu u stipu. I love it.

Pored svih svojih arhitektonskih obaveza,  Archibald ima misiju:
  1. Da promoviše arhitekturu.
  2. Da ohrabri diskusije na polju arhitekture, i srodnim temama.
  3. Da poboljša komunikaciju među svim  saradnicima na projektu.
Ako želite da ih upoznate bolje, podržite Archibald –a u misiji, predplatite se na dnevnu dozu ovog stripa. OVDE.

Meet up Archibald!
Archibald is an architect who runs an architecture office together with his friend and engineer Gerald. They also employ staff like Ina, the interior architect, JOHN, the IT-manager, MR. SHAN, the model builder,... Because of his profession Archibald interacts with contractors, clients, developers and other construction professionals...
They have usual problems with investors, just like all of us; they have similar dose of vanity as we all architects have, and more. Mike Hermans shows these caracters with carefully selected and humorous details.. He makes me laugh when I recognize my own problems, or people who I work with. I love it.
Besides his work in his office Archibald has a mission to:
  1. Promote architecture worldwide.
  2. Enhance the discussion on architecture and all related subjects.
  3. Improve communication between all building partners.
If you like to meet up those gays, to support Archibalds mission as well, subscribe to the daily strip. HERE. You'll receive it in your mailbox every day for free.

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