Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Serpentine Gallery By Jean Nouvel

Prve fotografije sa otvaranja Serpentine Gallery Pavilion u Kensington Gardens-u, Londonu.
Photograph Oli Scarff/Getty Images, via GARDIAN
Konkurs za izradu paviljona tradicionalno je mesto za eksperimentisanje svetski poznatih arhitekti. Zadatak je specifičan i po tome što je rok maksimalnih šest meseci od poziva do realizacije.
red exploding against green. 2010. godine, dizajnom dominira crvena koja je u kontrastu sa zelenim parkovskim okruženjem; kontrast laganih materijala i konzolno prepuštenih metalnih struktura.
Photographs are by Philippe Ruault, via DEZEEN
Naglašena stakla, refleksija, transparentne strukture i tekstil pomeraju granice enterijera, i uvlače spolja unutra i unutra spolja.
Van paviljona osmišljen je prostor za rekreaciju i odmaranje. Tu su stolovi za stoni tenis (naravno u crvenoj boji), šah, prostor za frizbi. 
Privremeni paviljnon je prvi Nouvelov realizovani objekat u UK. Tim Jean Nouvel-a u toku realizacije ovog projekta sarađivao je sa firmom Arup. 
Paviljon će za publiku biti otvoren od 10 July – 17 October 2010. 

Designed by French architect Jean Nouvel.
The first photos from the opening of Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in Kensington Gardens, London.
The Pavilion commission has become an international site for architectural experimentation and follows a long tradition of Pavilions by some of the world’s greatest architects. The task is specific in that it is the maximum period of six months from invitation to completion.
Exploding red against green.  The design for the 2010 Pavilion is a contrast of lightweight materials and metal cantilevered structures. The entire design is rendered in a vivid red that, in a play of opposites, contrasts with the green of its park setting.
Stressed glass, reflection, transparent structures and fabric structures moving boundaries, and draw the outside in and inside out.
Outside the pavilion has been designed space for recreation and rest. There are tables for table tennis (of course in red), chess, space for Frisbee.

The temporary structure is the first building to be completed in the UK by Nouvel.
Jean Nouvel has worked with the structural design and engineering firm Arup, to realise this project.The pavilion opens to the public this Saturday the 10th and remains open until 17 October.


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